Course Information
Course Information
There are three social work courses required in the Associate of Arts Degree in Social Work.
SOCW 2361 – Introduction to Social Work (3-3-0)
Development of the philosophy and practice of social work in the United States. A survey of the fields and techniques of social work with attention given to requirements for graduate training in the field of social work.
Student Accident Insurance Fee: $1.00
Skills: E Course Type: T
SOCW 2362 – Social Welfare as a Social Institution (3-3-0)
An introduction to the study of social work and the underlying philosophy and ethics of social work. Also looks at special populations and how the social welfare institution has responded to their needs.
Student Accident Insurance Fee: $1.00
Skills: E Prerequisites: SOCW 2361. Course Type: T
SOCW 2389 – Academic Cooperative (3-2-3)
A supervised experiential learning course designed to integrate program study with introductory exposure to the field of social work. In conjunction with individual study and/or seminars, the student will set specific goals and objectives in the study of Social Work.
Course Fee: $50.00 Student Accident Insurance Fee: $1.00
Skills: E Prerequisites: SOCW 2361. Course Type: T
View the course descriptions in the ACC Catalog.
There is one required course from sociology.
SOCI 1301 – Introduction to Sociology (3-3-0)
Introduction to theoretical perspectives and research pertaining to society and to the relationship between society and the individual. Covers the basic elements of society, such as culture, social structure, social groups, social class, race, gender, social institutions, social processes, and social change.
Student Accident Insurance Fee: $1.00
View the course descriptions in the ACC Catalog.
To see the additional courses for the Social Work Associate of Arts Degree, view the program map. Please visit with an advisor as soon as possible to help you answer questions and/or help you plan you degree. If transferring, please tell your advisor as soon as possible.