Do the college credit hours earned transfer to a Bachelor’s degree?
ACC has academic partnership agreements with several four-year criminal justice programs, allowing you to enter those programs at the junior level after completing your AAS degree. Many of the general education classes in the AAS degree programs transfer to four-year colleges, but final decisions on transfer course evaluations toward a bachelor’s degree plan are made by the receiving transfer institution. If you intend to transfer to a specific program after graduation, consult the ACC transfer guide and meet with the ACC Criminal Justice department chair to discuss the best choice of courses.
Will I become a certified peace officer upon graduation?
The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) is responsible for licensing peace officers. Graduation from either of ACC’s peace officer sequence programs qualifies you to take the Basic Peace Officer licensing exam. Almost all ACC graduates who take this exam pass and go on to become certified peace officers.
The ACC application asks for my Area of Study. What is this?
Criminal Justice is part of the Public and Social Service (PSS) Area of Study. More information about the Areas of Study can be found here.
Why am I blocked from registering for classes?
You cannot register for CJLE law enforcement sequence courses until we have confirmed that you are in compliance with all requirements. Registration locks are removed as soon as we verify your documentation, but no later than two weeks before the semester registration deadline.
Where are the classes held?
Classes are held at campuses throughout the district, with many courses also offered as Distance Learning classes. Check the course schedule for current information.
Why am I being billed for my classes this semester when I submitted my Tuition Exemption Request last semester?
The tuition exemption is only good for one semester. You must submit another Tuition Exemption Request, along with all required documentation, every semester you register for classes.
How much does the program cost?
Tuition is based on your residency status (in-district or out-of-district) and varies per student. See tuition and fees for current costs. Additional expenses include textbooks, gear purchase/rental, uniform shirts, course fees and state testing fees.