Frequently Asked Questions
Can I take only one course?
Yes, if you have been admitted to ACC and have satisfied any prerequisites required for the course you want to enroll in.
How do I get into the program?
If you have not taken any course at ACC, you must be accepted for admission to ACC by completing an online application for admission.
I already have a degree, can I still take your courses?
Yes. If your degree or certificate is from ACC, you will need to meet with an advisor at a Student Services office at any campus, to change to a new major. If your degree is from another school, you must be accepted for admission to ACC by completing an online application for admission. Make sure to submit your transcripts as soon as possible.
The ACC application asks for my Area of Study. What is this?
Emergency Management is part of the Public and Social Service (PSS) Area of Study. The degree plan is under the Fire Protection Technology program. More information about the Areas of Study can be found here.
Where are the classes held?
Classes will be in a Distance Learning Hybrid format. Some of the coursework will be completed online, and some class sessions will be held at multiple classrooms throughout the district.
I enrolled in the program and received credit for courses I had already taken, but my online degree progress check shows I still need to take those courses.
The online degree map and self service student planning tools may not reflect all course substitutions that were approved by your department chair. The personalized degree plan that you completed with the Emergency Management program staff is the most accurate reflection of your degree progress. You may contact an advisor at any student services office to verify your current progress.
Can this degree lead to a four year degree at another college or university?
Yes, there are multiple transfer options within Texas and across the country. The department chair can help you with options for a bachelor’s degree.
How can I reach someone if I still have questions?
Please contact James Daniels at [email protected], via phone: (512) 223-1683.