Fallon Brizendine
Fallon is the fourth generation in her family to be born Deaf. Not only has she utilized interpreters her entire life, but she holds a Masters in Interpretation from Gallaudet University, one of the few Deaf interpreters to hold this degree. As a Certified Deaf Interpreter, Fallon has been interpreting in post-secondary, legal, medical, mental health, and educational settings. She has also provided numerous workshops on interpreting topics. She can be seen on multiple ASL DVDs and websites, most notably DeafMD.org where she is the primary translator of medical text to ASL. Fallon has extensive ties to the Deaf community, attending or working at multiple international deaf events including DPN, Deaf Way, WFD conferences, NAD conferences, Deaflympics, and more. She served as RID Region IV Deaf Caucus Representative and co-chair for 2015 National RID conference in New Orleans. A die hard Washington football fan, Fallon hopes to one day score the game winning touchdown in the Super Bowl.
- 2015 RID Co-Chair
- 2013-2015 Deaf Caucus Region IV Representative
- DeafMD.org