Greetings and welcome to the ASL-Interpreter Training Internship page.
Internships are carefully designed and monitored educational experiences that provide students the opportunity to integrate academic knowledge with practical work experience in a professional setting. Students are supervised, mentored, and evaluated as part of their internship. Internship experiences help students test interests, develop new skills, and learn first-hand about the workplace in their field of study.
- Refine emerging interpreting, interpersonal skills and decision-making skills in order to enter the field.
- Reflect on ”real-life” experiences, examine assumptions and make critical discoveries that are not possible in classroom settings
- Observe, participate with, and receive guidance from experienced practitioners
- Assess performance and set goals for on going skills development
- Develop a personal philosophy of practice
- Develop other critical skills while on internship, including: Problem solving, flexibility, creative thinking and taking personal responsibility for their decisions/actions
- Maintain all paperwork
- Complete Professional Development Plan
- Complete 192 hours during the internship period
- Attend four mandatory in-class sessions
- Submit weekly Logs signed by mentors to ACC internship professor
Greetings and thank you for your interest in our internship program!
We have a number of passionate and talented students studying the field of ASL and Interpreting who are looking for additional hands-on experiences and the opportunity to grow with a mentor. Our internship course is one of the last classes scheduled prior to graduation after students complete Interpreting III course.
An internship is a pre-professional work experience that provides students the opportunity to gain experience in the interpreting field; while also allowing the mentor and agency to participate in the educational process for the students. You also may earn CEUs from mentoring.
- Provide a meaningful and professional experience
- Provide student with opportunities to valuable experience
- Meet weekly with the intern and debrief
- Sign on the student’s weekly logs
- The student will be placed in an appropriate employment situation which provides an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired during collegiate training
Internships FAQs
Will I be paid for my internship?
Only if you are certified, you may get paid internship experience. All internship experiences are valuable. Remember that if you go in to an internship and work hard, you may create future job opportunities and connections.
When can I enroll in the internship class?
In order for your internship to count for class credit students must have completed Interpreting III course prior to enrolling in the class.
How many hours does an internship require?
In order to successfully complete the internship class, students must complete 192 hours within a 9-16 week period based on the semester enrolled.
How many hours a week do I need to work?
Typically students work around 20 hours per week at their internship. However, this should be a discussion between the student and mentor and an agreement of schedule should be settled upon that works for both parties.
Who is responsible for finding internship placement? Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to find their own internship. The department sends out weekly pre-approved internship opportunities that can assist you in your search.
How many assessments will I need to complete?
There are two assessments to complete. First one is expected at halfway through semester and another one is expected at end of semester.
Will I have to attend class and if so how many times?
Yes, students will need to attend a few classes throughout the semester. During these classes the instructor will review managerial and leadership styles and information which you can utilize during your internship and help you complete your final project.
If I find an internship prior to semester can I start logging hours?
Yes, students are able to start logging internship hours prior to the semester after the first internship meeting (the month before semester begins). We understand that the industries do not run on semesters and we do not want the students to miss out on a great opportunity.
Can I work at my internship when school is not in session (ex. Spring Break)?
Yes, students are able to work during these “off” times and the department supports this as being an excellent time to gain valuable experience.
Study Abroad Opportunities
Students participate annually in a Study Abroad program sponsored by International Programs. Students participate in a one-week cruise with four Deaf consumers. All costs for the consumers and students is paid for by the students and fundraising events. Students interpret every aspect of the cruise with oversight of two certified interpreters including performances, dining, excursions, and on-board activities!
Our ASLIT first Deaf Interpreting graduate, Alicia interpreting a show with feeds from other interns and certified interpreters.
Deaf consumers and interns enjoying an excursion!
The inaugural voyage of InternSHIP 2015!

ASLIT student, Anna Wilmes, interprets a performance with support from interns and certified interpreters.